Günter L. Huber
How to stimulate active learning by academic teaching
1. The relation of teaching and learning
The transmission approach: passive learning
The transaction approach: interactive learning
The transformation approach: active learning
Overview on possibilities to activate student learning
2. Modification of academic teachers' way of teaching
Classroom experiences, reflection, and teaching behavior
The model of implicit theories ("teacher thinking")
Exchange of classroom experiences (application of the model of implicit
Formation of "modification tandems"
Guidelines for the cooperation in groups of academic teachers
3. Steps from knowing to acting
How planning is conceived of in teaching
Alternative principles of planning
Outline of concrete planning (in small groups)
4. Experiencing possibilities of active learning
The "Leittext" (guiding text)
Group "Puzzle" (Jigsaw)
Group "Rally" (STAD)
Cognitive apprenticeship
The role of inter-individual differences
5. The contribution of "active learning" to my own teaching
Description in guiding texts (tandems)
Presentation to the plenum
Discussion in the context of subjective experiences
6. Application
Planning a course (in small groups)
Presentation to the plenum
Discussion and evaluation
Workshop an der Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Izmir,
24.-28. Februar 1997